Ribbon Festival and Scale Olympics

OMTA Western District

2012 Ribbon Festival and Scale Olympics


Wright State University, Creative Arts Center
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy
Dayton, OH 45434 

Date and Time

Saturday December 15, 2012
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Lunch Break 12-1 p.m.)

Registration Deadline

November 9, 2012

Fees per student:

Scale Olympics only ……….. Members $8.00 ……….. Non-Members $16.00

Ribbon Festival only ……….. Members $8.00 ……….. Non-Members $16.00

Both Events …………………. Members $12.00 ……….. Non-Members $24.00

How to Register

Fees and entry forms must be postmarked by November 9, 2012. Entry forms can be found in the OMTA Western District Student Activities Packet or can be downloaded from links found below.

Items which should be included in your registration are:

1) One Ribbon Festival-Scale Olympics Teacher Registration and Volunteer Form

2) A Ribbon Festival Application for each student participating in Ribbon Festival

3) A Scale Olympics Registration Form for each student participating in Scale Olympics

4) A Scale Olympics Rating Form for each student participating in Scale Olympics

5) A check for the entry fees for all your participating students.

Teachers will mail all entry forms together with one check, payable to OMTA-Western District. Fees and entry forms for Ribbon Festival and Scale Olympics should be sent to:

Mary Anne Blazer
771 N. Enon Road
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Teachers! If your students will participate on December 15, you must plan to assist on that day.  Every participating teacher is also asked to recruit one parent volunteer. Duties for volunteer teachers and parents will be as room or judge monitors, registration desk duty, or Scale Olympics judge.

Find more information and download registration forms below:

General Guidelines

Ribbon Festival-Scale Olympics Teacher Registration and Volunteer Form

Ribbon Festival Guidelines

Ribbon Festival Application

Scale Olympics Guidelines

Scale Olympics Registration Form

Scale Olympics Selection List

Scale Olympics Rating Form

Procedures for Judges of Scale Olympics

If you have further questions, contact Ribbon Festival/Scale Olympic Chairmen:

Mary Anne Blazer
Phone: 937-767-1892
E-mail: [email protected]
Angela Wickizer
Phone: 937-426-6567
E-mail: [email protected]







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