Location: University of Dayton, Sears Recital Hall (Humanities Building) Park in Lot C (Stonemill & Evanston)
Time: 10 a.m. (note: Board Meeting at 8:45 a.m.)
The Jan. 9 program will be in the Jesse Phillips Humanities Building, Sears Recital Hall. Directions for those unfamiliar with UD campus: take Erma Bombeck/Brown St. to Irving (Ben & Jerry’s on corner) and take Irving east. Then go north (only way to turn) on Evanston. Parking Lot C is on the left. (Map is provided in Yearbook.)
Dr. Street welcomes your questions on practice techniques, so “bring ’em on!â€
(In case of severe weather requiring cancellation/postponement of
program, Sonya will email all those receiving email no later than 8:00 a.m.)